About Us
Ramat Beit Shemesh Realty
Bruchim Haba’im to Ramat Beit Shemesh! Lemkin Realty is the premier realty firm in the Beit Shemesh region. For over 21 years, Lemkin Realty has built fantastic relationships with many of the leading contractors and city halls throughout Israel. We work hard to get better deals and better service for you. Lemkin Realty’s staff is made up of native English speakers that have been living in Israel for many years. Our office is located in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel, and we are here to help you throughout the day and most of the night! We are different because we really care about you and want what is best for you. When it comes time to buy your home in Israel, we are waiting to help you every step of the way. In addition to our team of amazing realtors, we also have a list of great lawyers, engineers, and mortgage consultants who are ready to help you iron out the creases. Lemkin Realty wants you to have the best experience so that when you come home, you are at home. Welcome to Israel!